Selasa, Agustus 03, 2010

Here up on the attic - pee wee gaskins

You are the first thing in
my mind that I wanna
From the morning to the
evening until the end of
the day can I get your kiss
Just a little kiss on the
And when it ’s time to start
all over
I wanted this to last
Those things you ’ve done
had come through this to
I don ’t know what went
first but we started kissing
I pused back and she laid
down; we were making
out it was so much fun
C ’mon c’mon
Let’s finish what we’ve
Here up on the attic
And the sun is down, this
song is what I ’m singing
All in all it was really
It was something new
and it was fun
I don ’t mind if we never
gonna do it again
Just a hug and the
company, of being there
is already enough for me’
she said
And the sun is down, this
song is what I ’m singing
This song is what I’m
C ’mon c’mon
Let’s finish what we’ve
Here up on the attic
C ’mon c’mon
C’mon c’mon
Here up on the attic.

Sabtu, Juli 17, 2010

orang yg ga dewasa

kenapa sih ada orang yg suka banget mencela kesenangan ato idola seseorg? emang mereka bakal dapet apa coba.. ngrasa hebat? padahal yg mereka cela lebih hebat dari mereka.. kalian pernah nyadar ga sih kalo kalian lebih rendah dari yg kalian cela?
di sini gw cuma mau bilang betapa kasiannya orang yg udah susah payah menjadi fans, tp kalian ambil kesenangan itu dg 'ih apaan sih, kok loe suka? kan kampungan, jelek..' ato 'ih loe lebay banget deh jd orang, buat apa suka sma mereka'
gw jg pengen bilang, ngedukung dg cara diem itu lebih baik..

tanya tanya

heran deg gw punya formspring tapi kenapa ga ada yg nanya ya.. kalo ada juga dr formspring nya.. apa gw harus jadi artis dulu biar byk inbox yg masuk..
huh.. yg jelas buat pembaca pada follow acc gw ya, link nya ada tuh di situ.. tenang aja, pasti gw folback..